Take Two (Denim)

Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Clean denim had its reign this year and if you'd ask me i'd say it'll continue next year and stay slim. Some fashion critics are of the opinion that denim will become more creased and flared in spring but i strongly disagree. Most people have not got on with the fact that fashion has moved into the clean sartorial luxe-era. A lot more dressier outfits and lean silhouettes, most people are moving away from street wear and getting more familiar with high street. Most of streetwear's icons have been hip hop artists who are now high street inclined-think Jay-Z or T.I- and wear more suits and dress shirts than tees and sneakers to public events.

So if you're still holding off the decision to buy slim fit jeans well think again except you have a personal undying love for flared or baggy jeans invest in some slim pairs. The first picture above is GRN Apple Tree Jeans while the one below's Fremont black denim jean.
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