Hair Growth Stimulant Spray For Loss and Thinning

Saturday, October 1, 2011

A hair growth stimulant spray, though quite a mouthful, has a simple purpose and design – to help promote regrowth and help stop loss and thinning. Often referred to as “follicle stimulators” or “root stimulants”, hair growth stimulant sprays are formulated to assist and compliment a hair loss regimen.
Temporary loss – “diffuse” – is often associated with men when DHT accumulates in the follicle pores. For women, stress, medications and hormone shifts are primary contributors to hair fall and shedding. Left un-checked or treated, temporary symptoms may become permamnent or at least unrecoverable.
For men, the primary and leading cause of loss and thinning is conversion of 5 alpha reductase enzymes to dihydrotestosterone. Similar to and in the same family as testosterone, DHT accumulates and resides in the follicle root and pore. It restricts fluids and nutrients as well as limiting or “shutting off” blood flow from capillaries in the scalp.
The cortex and root eventually die and hair is lost. Accumulation begins at the front of the scalp, on the crown, and moves outward to the back of the skull and ears…giving the distinctive “pattern” to the balding.
Hair growth stimulants can be found in several types of applications – sprays for general application; and localized topical applications usually found in foams and droppers. Though concentrations and delivery may vary, the objective is the same – restore growth or stop and retard loss and thinning. Active ingredients are often Minoxidil or Trichogen. Both are similar in function and often equally effective.
Now for the caveat. Trichogen, Minoxidil, growth sprays and various other products don’t work for everyone. I wish they did, but they just don’t. To explain a bit more, the leading cause of male pattern balding is the accumulation and presence of DHT. For women, it is a combination of factors including traction alopecia, but it is safe to say hormonal and chemical factors are the primary culprits.
With that said, these hair loss products can address these symptoms and are an effective solution. If loss is due to other causes – heredity, oil or bacteria build-up, or vitamin deficiencies – it is unlikely you will see maximum results. That is why stimulants are often one of several products used in conjunction.
Hair growth stimulant sprays – boosters, stimulators, etc – are formulated to act in concert as a regimen fro regrowth and to help stop loss and thinning. They are easy to apply, relatively inexpensive and provide many with successful results.
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