Thehumble t-shirt has come a long way over the years, and is still going strongtoday. They are so versatile, and are usually worn as a casual garment, but canbe made to look smarter with a jacket or cardigan. Slogan t-shirts are verypopular at the moment. They are utilized by many people and businesses to gettheir message across. They can sport a phrase, graphic or design which can bevery powerful and memorable. Many celebrities wear these kinds of tees; someeven invent their own, printing a trademark slogan on the front of the shirt toget some media attention. Some of these t shirts are designed to be funny. Theyare tongue in cheek humour, and are usually written with bright bold text tomake maximum impact. Check out some of these t shirts. The sloganswhich they have are suitable for both men and women, and they are quite funny.