My Picks (Tortoise shell Sunglasses)

Friday, October 31, 2008
The earpiece is bendable, if you take a closer look you'll see it has provision to fold twice. Also notice the bridge also has provision for folding.


The Rayban wayfarers design was first done in the 1950's and it is on record as the highest selling sunglass design ever. Wow the world can't be wrong, the wayfarers are obviously in a class of their own and everyone should own at least a pair in any variation.

Oliver Goldsmith
Both of the shades pictured above are Oliver Goldsmiths i especially love the one pictured lower it has this granda kind of look.
Dior Homme
I like the metallic frame that runs through the surface of the shades still revealing the interior tortoise shell, cool design.

Tortoise shell sunglasses like brown shoes are a must have for men of style. I got a vintage one by Echternia from the 80's haha i heart sunglasses i think i'm now officially a sunglasses whore since i have 5 different pairs and one clear one for my geek look haha. I'm looking to cop them tortoise shell wayfarers so it'll increase my wayfarer collection to two :o)
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